Category Archives: The Millennium
The Millennium
The Millennium The amillennialists eschew the literal 1000 years of the millennium and teach that it is a figure for a definite but unspecified length of time during which Christ reigns supreme in the church (See Hailey, Revelation, p391, 1979; … Continue reading
The Apostasy of the Church vs. the Falling Away After the Millennium
I do not believe that II Thes 2:3ff and I Tim 4:1ff are speaking of the same event. I believe that I Tim 4:1ff has to do with the apostasy of the church, and that has clearly already occurred. I … Continue reading
Brother Bartanen wrote: > I was raised in southern Indiana, near Louisville, KY, the heart of > premillennialism in Churches of Christ. Sermons I heard were constantly > opposing this position. Somebody put my parents on the mailing list for … Continue reading
The Millennium and the 144,000
Revelation is a big subject. The reason it is big is that it deals with God’s eternal plan for man and it draws in things from all over the Bible. It requires a comprehensive understanding of the scriptures to get … Continue reading
Saints to Reign on the Earth–Rev 5:10
In the KJV, NASU, CJB, NIV, et al., Rev 5:10 reads “we SHALL reign on the earth”. If we are supposed to reign over the earth now, how is it that we are persecuted (II Tim 3:12) and despised (Jn … Continue reading
Christ’s Eternal Humiliation
Christ, the second Adam, is the righter of what Adam wronged. Adam brought the curse. In Christ who was cursed for us (Gal 3:13) we have release from the curse (Rev 22:3). Because of becoming sin for us and being … Continue reading
Satan’s Little Season
> > Ron Nelson wrote: > > Ron Nelson to James J. > > I do not believe in Pre-millenialim, but I do believe that “Satan will > be loosed for a season,” (Revelation), which will be the spread of … Continue reading