Category Archives: Church Doctrine
Is Keeping Christmas Sinful?
There exists a controversy among Christians as to whether Christmas is sinful or not. The camp that believes Christmas is sinful cites Galatians 4:8 as evidence that God disapproves of the observation of days, months, seasons and years. Those that … Continue reading
How Do We Get Faith?
The Bible tells us we cannot please God without faith (Heb 11:6), but how does a person get faith? Romans 10:17 tells us, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” That is obviously true, … Continue reading
Answers to Some Questions About Creeds
Questioner: When I asked one of the men later what was the difference in what we did and the church giving the family money, the answer was it wasn’t the churches money since it never went into the churches bank … Continue reading
Does a List of Commands Constitute a Creed?
A creed is a summary of NT teaching that is bound on others. You cannot come to faith in Christ without forming a view of what is right and what a Christian must do. Do you believe that anything that … Continue reading
What Place Do Examples Hold in Establishing Authority?
Many have objected to the CENI (command, example, and necessary inference) methodology that is used to detect requirements in Christ’s law, saying it is too legalistic. However, if there is no law, then men cannot sin. We know there is … Continue reading
Singing and Making Melody in Your Heart
A querist wrote: >If the phrase “singing AND making melody in your heart to the Lord” means >both singing AND making melody” have to occur in order for an individual >to be acceptable to God, then why doesn’t speaking to … Continue reading
We Are to Sing and Make Melody in Our Heart; Why not Sing A Psalm, Hymn and Spiritual Song?
A querist wrote: Paul writes in Eph 5: 19, “Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.” If the phrase “singing AND making melody in your heart … Continue reading
Must We Have At Least One Song, Hymn and Spiritual Song in Each Service?
The element that is missing from the Col Eph passages is the time factor. You are assuming that the time factor is one service. The context does not require that. If in your services you use psalms, hymns and spiritual … Continue reading
Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs
A querist wrote: >Palms, hymns and spiritiual songs” are three separate and >distinct categories – each having a common purpose – to praise God and >edify one another – but accomplishing this purpose in a different method – >the difference … Continue reading
What Are Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs?
A querist asked: I’m seeking input on the difference, if any, on psalms, hymns and spiritual songs ( Eph 5:19 & Col 3:16). And, if we are to be singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, should we be singing at … Continue reading